
Does before your eyes have multiple endings
Does before your eyes have multiple endings

does before your eyes have multiple endings
  1. #Does before your eyes have multiple endings code
  2. #Does before your eyes have multiple endings free
does before your eyes have multiple endings

  • "Do really think that trick will work on me?".
  • "I need to know what happened to everyone.".
  • "They made us deformed so everyone would fear us".
  • "Every time you close your eyes, I give you clues to guide you"''.
  • This doesn't come true, as the world is nuclear wasteland.
  • Tragic Dream: From what we find out, the Witch was trying to escape to some sort of beautiful meadow setting.
  • Tomato Surprise: The "Recollection Ending".
  • Take a Third Option: This leads to the "Best Ending".
  • Our Souls Are Different: As we find out, the titular eyes are this, as they house the other half of human consciousness.
  • However, Cecily's chart at the beginning of the game seems to imply that it was the latter but how that happened isn't clear, either. We do know that she came to be through the Cognitive Transfer program but we don't know if she came to be as a variant or if her cognitive transference was botched, somehow, considering that she doesn't look too much like Husks (but speaks for them) and the other half of her consciousness is stored in Cecily Newman. However, we get a clue as to what may have happened to the V.I.E.W employees, with the signs warning about the Husks (specifically that they can kill).
  • Besides that the year is 2057 and the events are implied to set after World War V and, so far, that's about it, as we don't really know what happened.
  • No Name Given: That dress-wearing entity that leaves you clues isn't named (besides MatPat calling her the "Witch").
  • Non-Malicious Monster: The Witch and the Husks, as they're trying to reclaim the part of their humanity that was lost.
  • Nightmare Face: The Husks, with the empty eyes and the mouth made into a Glasgow Smile with more teeth.
  • Mind Screw: Some elements of the setting, especially when the player has their eyes closed or opened (with the dream sequences).
  • Jump Scare: The Husks and the Witch do that throughout different points of the game.
  • Ignorance Is Bliss: From what's implied by the storyline, at least in the case of the endings, especially the "Best Ending".
  • Hell Is That Noise: That odd muffled screech/yell the Husks make.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: The random glitching when you come across a clue and the lab exploding can be interpreted as this.
  • "E.Y.E.S" stands for "Entity's Yielded Essence Storage".
  • V.I.E.W stands for "Vitality and Identity Extraction for WWV".
  • Failure Is the Only Option: When your eyes are stolen, there's a hint that says give up and the other one says, "Don't run away from me.".
  • Evil, Inc.: V.I.E.W seems to be playing this role and, from what's implied (especially by the protest signs and clues left by the Witch), the participants (or many of them) in the Cognitive Transfer program were not entirely willing.
  • #Does before your eyes have multiple endings code

    Easter Egg: Inputting 666 as the three-digit numerical code on one of the computers will make the computer screen display the sarcastic message, "You're hilarious.".Dying as Yourself: The Recollection Ending can be interpreted as this.

    #Does before your eyes have multiple endings free

  • Downer Ending: All of the endings in some way or another, as in the "Husk Ending," you free the Husks from the facility but you free them to a post-nuclear wasteland, and in the "Recollection Ending" you find out that you're the Witch and you're implied to kill yourself.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The "Best Ending" is the closest to this.
  • does before your eyes have multiple endings

    Bilingual Bonus: The strings of binary and wingdings.Brain Uploading: V.I.E.W was attempting some variant of this, either that or Transferable Memory.facility might be all that's left of humanity. Awful Truth: The outside world is a blasted, irradiated wasteland, and the Husks and machines inside the V.I.E.W.It's not like they don't have a reason to scream as they're the mutilated but still semi-aware remains of humans who went through the consciousness transfer process. According to the "Recollection Ending", Cecily is female. Ambiguous Gender: Cecily Newman (the player), though the name implies the character is female (or meant to be).After the End: Implied, considering that it's in the year 2057 and the fact that it's after or during WWV.Abandoned Hospital Awakening: It's not a hospital but a laboratory.Not to be confused with Close Your Eyes: Redux. On the way, a mysterious entity leaves them messages and clues. Set in the year 2057, a person named Cecily Newman wakes up in a mysterious laboratory owned by a company called V.I.E.W, where they are hunted by strange beings called "Husks" as they try to find their way out.

    does before your eyes have multiple endings

    Close Your Eyes is a 2018 freeware puzzle horror game by Gamagami, where the only defense against enemies is to close your eyes.

    Does before your eyes have multiple endings